Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Art of Bodyweight Exercise

Having watched the Olympic games in 2012 I have gained a new respect for the gymnasts. I must admit I had previously dismissed the sport without actually sitting down and watching a competition. I suppose that is the beauty of the Olympics. It allows you to watch sports you would never normally show any interest in. As a massive sports fan I instantly regretted my previous decision and decided gymnastics was the sport of the games. I have massive respect for the gymnasts with their challenging discipline but also their physiques. It goes to prove just how effective bodyweight exercise can be.

Bodyweight exercise is something that I have always believed in and is a very pure workout that doesn't
require fancy gyms or a large amount of time. It develops your body in proportion and can work almost every muscle in your body all at once. They are terrific exercises if you don’t have much time to workout but want to blast your body, plus it’s free as you can do them in your home, at work, or out and about. Here are some exercises that can be done and will be greatly effective if they are carried out 3 or more times a week:

1)  Push-ups
Push-ups are a lost art in the gym. People tend to focus more on weighted exercises such as the bench press and usually load the weights on as much as they can. I must admit I was guilty of this at some stage but I found the results to be limited in terms of definition, while my strength was improving gradually. Don’t get me wrong the bench press and free weights are something that I value hugely but I believe an overall base needs to be made in order to make the best gains. A push-up will predominantly work your triceps, chest, shoulders and core and these can be isolated depending on the variation of push-up you employ. If push-ups are brought into your routine they will increase your bench press significantly as well as fill out your t-shirt! Try the 100 push-up challenge, or alter this to your own limits. Take 20-30 seconds break in between sets and you can reduce this as you get better. If you can’t make 100 take note of your number and try and beat it by one more every time you try it:
25 push-ups
25 push-ups
15 push-ups
15 push-ups
10 push-ups
10 push-ups

2) Pull-ups
This exercise is one of the most beneficial in terms of a complete upper body workout rolled into one. It targets your back, shoulders, biceps, core, and forearms. Perfect for building upper body strength, and you will see the effect of this quickly. If you cannot lift your body weight most gyms will have an assisted pull-up machine to get you started. Once you have built up a steady base you can try and complete a circuit with no assistance. Some people try to do as many repetitions as possible but this can often limit the strength gain as the majority of us would struggle to complete a huge amount of these without a break. So like every other exercise, carry it out in sets and try a high number of sets with low repetitions if needed. For example 5 sets of 6 repetitions with 30 seconds break in between. Over time increase the number of repetitions and decrease the rest time.

3) Squats

Squats are a hugely effective way to burn fat , tone up and increase muscle size. If you are stuck for time and want a workout a squat is one of the best exercises you can do. If performed correctly it can work your entire body. For bodyweight squats, you should aim for high repetition and a high number of sets. For example 15-20 repetitions for 5 sets and limit rest time in between sets for maximum effect. Squats help increase power, overall body strength, mobility and balance as well as being a great form of fat burning exercise. Bodyweight squats allow you to maintain form and control the movement to get the best gains, whereas with a weighted squat form can be compromised which will lead to injury and limited gains.

4)  Plank

The plank is a well-known core exercise that is extremely effective when building the core muscles. The core is essential for overall body strength and a weak core will lead to injuries when lifting heavy weights and hinder any progression. It is a great way to warm up before a workout you can implement many different techniques of this to develop different muscles in your core. Anyone with lower back problems will hugely benefit from this as it will strengthen you lower back. I recommended starting with holding the plank for 2 minutes and complete 2 sets of this. To alternate it you can try the side plank or while holding the plank try doing some push-ups to increase the difficulty.

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